Cricket Batter Challenge Game Overview

June 30, 2022 Umesh.khangwal 0 Comments

     Cricket Batter Challenge Game Overview

    cricket id maker

    One of the best online games to play, Cricket Batter Challenge is undoubtedly a treat to all the cricket id maker enthusiasts. You are sure to have unlimited fun while getting yourself engaged with this free online sports game. All the cricket fans love going the ball towards the boundaries ? whether it is a six or four. Show your hitting skills and prove yourself as the best player in this awesome online cricket game. This fabulous online game features exclusive and beautiful graphics, easy control as well as audio and video effects.

    Although hitting the ball regularly is not everyone? cup of tea, it becomes easier for you to complete your goal successfully if you keep patience and follow the instructions properly. Do the right free cricket betting tips practice session and achieve your target shortly. Try to be confident, Play Online Cricket the cricket id maker with an open mind in order to win this new cricket satta. This would help you to perform better in both a friend and a tournament match. 

    Don? lose your wicket while hitting the ball in the practice session match. You would be given three attempts to hit the ball. There is no need bother if you lose the match in the first attempt, you can begin this cool flash gambling online once again. You can use the arrow keys to control your game. Hit the ball when it reaches to the pitch and turns into green color. Hit the ball hard and set up a new record in this cricket id maker game for boys!


    रोहित शर्मा की कैटगिरी के हैं सैमसन

    June 29, 2022 Umesh.khangwal 0 Comments


      रोहित शर्मा की कैटगिरी के हैं सैमसन, चोपड़ा ने की RR के कप्तान की तारीफ

      रोहित शर्मा की कैटगिरी के हैं सैमसन, चोपड़ा ने की RR के कप्तान की तारीफ

      नई दिल्ली: आकाश चोपड़ा ने आयरलैंड के खिलाफ दूसरे T20 इंटरनैशनल मैच में कमाल की पारी खेलने के लिए संजू सैमसन की तारीफ की है।

      सैमसन ने 42 गेंद पर 77 रन की पारी खेली थी। भारत ने टॉस जीतकर पहले बल्लेबाजी चुनते हुए सात विकेट पर 225 रन का विशाल स्कोर बनाया था। हालांकि आयरलैंड ने इसका करारा जवाब दिया। लेकिन भारत ने अंत में मुकाबला चार रन से अपने नाम किया।
      अपने YOUTUBE चैनल पर एक वीडियो शेयर करते हुए चोपड़ा ने मैच का आकलन करते हुए संजू सैमसन के बल्लेबाज स्टाइल की तुलना रोहित शर्मा के साथ की।चोपड़ा ने कहा, ‘संजू को अवसर मिला और उन्होंने उसका पूरा फायदा उठाया। जब वह बल्लेबाजी करते हैं तो बहुत अच्छा खेलते हैं। यह संजू सैमसन की खूबी है- मैंने कभी उन्हें बुरा खेलते हुए नहीं देखा। वह ऐसे खिलाड़ी हैं जो रोहित शर्मा की कैटिगरी के हैं, वह भी ऐसे ही खिलाड़ी हैं कि जब भी खेलते हैं बहुत खूबसूरत खेलते हैं। आसानी से रन बनाते हैं और मैच को बहुत अच्छी तरह नियंत्रित करते हैं।’

      पूर्व भारतीय सलामी बल्लेबाज ने कहा कि राजस्थान रॉयल्स के इस कप्तान ने आयरलैंड में अपने खेल का पूरा लुत्फ उठाया।

      चोपड़ा ने कहा, ‘वहां भी संजू के फैंस थे क्योंकि जैसे ही हार्दिक पंड्या ने टॉस जीता और कहा कि संजू खेल रहे हैं, तो स्टेडियम में काफी शोर मच गया। यह संजू के लिए भी बहुत अच्छा मौका था क्योंकि उन्हें बतौर सलामी CRICKET खेलने का मौका मिल रहा था।’

      सैमसन को टीम में रुतुराज गायकवाड़ के स्थान पर मौका दिया गया। गायकवाड़ रविवार को खेले गए पहले T20 इंटरनैशनल में चोट के चलते बाहर हो गए थे।


      पहला टी20 शतक लगाने के बाद दीपक हुड्डा ने बताया अपनी सफलता का राज

      June 28, 2022 Umesh.khangwal 0 Comments


        IND vs IRE T20: पहला टी20 शतक लगाने के बाद दीपक हुड्डा ने बताया अपनी सफलता का राज

        IND vs IRE T20: पहला टी20 शतक लगाने के बाद दीपक हुड्डा ने बताया अपनी सफलता का राज

        नई दिल्ली, आनलाइन डेस्क। आयरलैंड के खिलाफ दूसरे T20 मैच में शानदार शतकीय पारी खेलने वाले टीम इंडिया के मीडिल आर्डर बल्लेबाज दीपक हुड्डा ने मैच के बाद बताया कि आखिर किस माइंडसेट से वह बल्लेबाजी करने उतरे थे। पहले मैच में ओपनिंग करने वाले हुड्डा को दूसरे मैच में तीसरे नंबर पर बल्लेबाजी करने का मौका मिला और उन्होंने इस मौके का फायदा उठाते हुए 55 गेंदों पर अपना पहला शतक पूरा किया हालांकि वो 104 रन बनाकर आउट हो गए लेकिन तब तक उन्होंने संजू सैमसन के साथ मिलकर भारतीय टीम को बड़े स्कोर तक पहुंचा दिया था।

        मैच के बाद हुड्डा ने कहा कि आइपीएल में अपने प्रदर्शन को यहां भी वो जारी रखने का प्रयास कर रहे थे। उन्होंने कहा कि "बतौर क्रिकेट जो हमने सीखा है वह है कि आप ज्यादा दूर की न सोचें। एक वक्त पर केवल एक मैच के बारे में सोचें। अगर मेरी वर्क एथिक्स अच्छी है, तो मैं अच्छी मानसिकता के साथ उतरता हूं और मेरी सोच रहती है कि मैं स्कोर करने जा रहा हूं"


        IRE vs IND: भुवनेश्वर कुमार ने रचा इतिहास

        June 26, 2022 Umesh.khangwal 0 Comments


          IRE vs IND: भुवनेश्वर कुमार ने रचा इतिहास, T20I क्रिकेट में ऐसा कारनामा करने वाले बने दुनिया के पहले गेंदबाज

          Bhuvneshwar Kumar highest wicket taker in T20I powerplay: भारत और आयरलैंड के बीच डबलिन में खेले गए पहले टी20 मुकाबले में टीम इंडिया ने 7 विकेट से जीत दर्ज की। इस मैच में भारतीय तेज गेंदबाज भुवनेश्वर कुमार ने इतिहास रचते हुए एक बड़ा वर्ल्ड रिकॉर्ड अपने नाम किया। भुवी ने अपने 3 ओवर के कोटे में 16 रन खर्च कर एक विकेट लिया, इस दौरान उन्होंने एक ओवर मेडन भी फेंका। भुवनेश्वर को आयरलैंड के खिलाफ एकमात्र विकेट पावरप्ले में मिला और वह अब T20 क्रिकेट में पहले 6 ओवर में सबसे ज्यादा विकेट चटकाने वाले गेंदबाज बन गए हैं। उन्होंने इस मामले में सैमुअल बद्री और टिम साउदी को पछाड़ा है।

          भुवनेश्वर कुमार ने रचा इतिहास

          34 विकेट- भुवनेश्वर कुमार

          33 विकेट- सैमुअल बद्री

          33 विकेट- टिम साउथी 

          27 विकेट- शाकिब अल हसन

          27 विकेट- जोश हेजलवुड

          भुवनेश्वर कुमार के T20 करियर पर नजर डालें तो उन्होंने क्रिकेट के सबसे छोटे फॉर्मेट में खेले 65 मुकाबलों में इतने ही विकेट लिए हैं। इस दौरान उनका सर्वश्रेष्ठ प्रदर्शन 24 रन देकर 5 विकेट लेने का रहा है।

          बात मुकाबले की करें तो, बारिश की खलल की वजह से मैच काफी देर से शुरू हुआ। 12-12 ओवर के हुए इस मुकाबले में टीम इंडिया ने टॉस जीतकर पहले गेंदबाजी चुनी थी। मेजबान टीम के लिए टेक्टर ने 33 गेंदों पर 6 चौकों और 3 छक्कों की मदद से 64 रन की नाबाद पारी खेली। उनकी इस पारी के दम पर ही आयरलैंड भारत के सामने 109 रनों का लक्ष्य रखने में कामयाब रही। दीपक हुड्डा के 29 गेंदों पर 47 रनों के दम पर भारत 16 गेंदें शेष रहते मैच जीतने में कामयाब रहा। सीरीज का दूसरा और आखिरी मुकाबला 28 जून को इसी मैदान पर खेला जाना है।


          INDIA vs LEICS

          June 23, 2022 Umesh.khangwal 0 Comments

            INDIA vs LEICS: भरत ने अर्धशतक लगाकर संभाला, भारत ने पहले दिन बनाए 246 रन

            INDIA vs LEICS: भरत ने अर्धशतक लगाकर संभाला, भारत ने पहले दिन बनाए 246 रन

            नई दिल्ली. टीम इंडिया को 1 जुलाई से बर्मिंघम में इंग्लैंड से टेस्ट मैच खेलना है. उससे पहले, भारतीय टीम लीस्टरशायर के खिलाफ अभ्यास मैच खेल रही है. लेकिन, पहले ही इम्तेहान में भारत के टॉप ऑर्डर का दम निकल गया. कप्तान रोहित शर्मा, शुभमन गिल, श्रेयस अय्यर और हनुमा विहारी सस्ते में पवेलियन लौट गए. इस मैच में रोहित शर्मा ने टॉस जीतकर पहले बल्लेबाजी चुनी. केएल राहुल की गैरहाजिरी में शुभमन गिल ने उनके साथ पारी की शुरुआत की. गिल ने शुरुआत में कुछ अच्छे शॉट्स खेले तो उनसे बड़ी पारी की उम्मीद जग गई. लेकिन फिर विल डेविस की गेंद पर एक खराब शॉट खेलकर पंत के हाथों कैच आउट हो गए. बारिश के कारण पहले दिन का खेल जल्दी खत्म कर दिया गया है. भारत ने तब तक 60.2 ओवर में 8 विकेट पर 246 रन बना लिए थे. काेहली 69 गेंद पर 33 रन बनाकर आउट हुए. केएस भरत 70 और मोहम्मद शमी 18 रन बनाकर खेल रहे हैं. भरत ने कोहली और उमेश यादव के साथ अर्धशतकीय साझेदारी करके टीम को संभाला. उमेश ने 32 गेंद पर 23 रन बनाए. तेज गेंदबाज रोमन वॉल्कर ने अब तक 8 में से 5 विकेट झटके हैं.

            गिल जिस गेंद पर आउट हुए, वो ऑफ स्टम्प से काफी बाहर की तरफ थी और उस पर शॉट खेलने के चक्कर में उन्हें अपना विकेट गंवाना पड़ा. यह पहला मौका नहीं है, जब गिल इस तरह से आउट हुए हैं. वो बार-बार इसी तरह की गलती दोहराकर अपना विकेट गंवा रहे हैं.

            रोहित शर्मा ने भी पुरानी गलती दोहराई

            गिल की तरह ही रोहित शर्मा ने भी अच्छी शुरुआत की थी. लेकिन, वो भी अभ्यास मैच में बड़ी पारी खेलने से चूक गए. रोहित शॉर्ट गेंद के अच्छे खिलाड़ी माने जाते हैं. लेकिन, बीते कुछ समय से वो शॉर्ट गेंद पर पुल करने के चक्कर में अपना विकेट गंवा रहे हैं. लीस्टरशायर के खिलाफ प्रैक्टिस मैच में भी कुछ ऐसा ही हुआ. रोहित ने रोमन वॉल्कर की एक शॉर्ट गेंद पर पुल शॉट मारने की कोशिश की. लेकिन, गेंद उनके बल्ले पर ठीक से नहीं आई और हवा में चली गई, अबीदीन स्कंदे ने रोहित का कैच पकड़ने में कोई गलती नहीं. इस तरह भारतीय कप्तान 25 रन बनाकर आउट हो गए.विहारी भी खराब शॉट खेलकर आउट हुए

            रोहित के बाद टीम के संकटमोचक माने जाने वाले हनुमा विहारी भी चलते बने. उन्होंने 3 रन बनाए. उन्हें भी रोमन वॉल्कर ने ही अपना शिकार बनाया. वॉल्कर की ऑफ स्टम्प से बाहर जाती गेंद को विहारी ने ड्राइव करना चाहा. लेकिन, गेंद उनके बल्ले का किनारा लेते हुए सीधे स्लिप में तैनात सैम बैट्स के पास गई और उन्होंने बड़ी आसानी से कैच लपक लिया. इसके बाद श्रेयस अय्यर आउट हुए. उन्होंने 11 गेंद का सामना किया. लेकिन खाता तक नहीं खोल पाए. उन्हें प्रसिद्ध कृष्णा ने विकेट के पीछे पंत के हाथों कैच आउट करवाया. इसके बाद रवींद्र जडेजा भी 13 गेंद में 13 रन बनाकर आउट हो गए. भारत के पांच विकेट 81 रन पर ही गिर गए.


            India vs South Africa, 3rd T20I Highlights

            June 22, 2022 Umesh.khangwal 0 Comments

              India vs South Africa, 3rd T20I Highlights: India remain alive in the series with a huge victory of 48 runs

              India vs South Africa, 3rd T20I Highlights: India remain alive in the series with a huge victory of 48 runs

              22:59 IST: Right then! The series stands in South Africa's favour right now but India have finally put on a collective effort. We move to the western side of India as Rajkot will host the 4th T20 I on 17th June. The match will commence at 7 pm IST (1.30 pm GMT). But, you can join us early for the build-up. Till then, goodbye and cheers!

              22:54 IST: Yuzvendra Chahal is the Man of the Match for his impressive spell of 4-0-20-3. He says that in the previous game he was bowling quick and was bowling sliders, but in this game, he changed his seaming positions. Mentions that his strength is to turn the ball and dip the ball, in the previous game it was easy for the batter to pick his bowling up because of less turn. Says that today he stuck to his strength, and focused on that. Further adds the pitch in the previous game was also good but he did not bowl well then, today he stuck to his plans and bowled to his strength. On being asked about his plans for the match in Rajkot, he chuckles and says that the ground is bigger thankfully.

              22:52 IST: Rishabh Pant, the skipper of India says they were a little off the execution in the past two games but they did right here. Adds that they are not thinking too much and working around the scores they have. Shares that in India, the spinners play a big role, there is pressure on them but they are match-winners as well. Tells that it's hard to ride the momentum as they lost too many wickets in the middle but they'll improve. He hopes they finish the game by a bigger margin.

              22:47 IST: The skipper of South Africa, Temba Bavuma says it was not their best effort today, India were the better team today, with the ball they leaked too many runs in the start but they did well to restrict the, to 180. Mentions that while coming to bat, they tried to assess the conditions in the first two overs, but unfortunately, they could not do that and they lost three quick wickets and then it was always going to be tough for the middle order to chase this down. On Quinton de Kock, he says that they have missed his services and his knowledge in the field. But Reeza Hendricks has been terrific and they will back him because they have seen how dangerous he can be at the domestic level.

              22:37 IST: Harshal Patel is down for a chat. He says they wanted to execute a certain plan which did not work for them earlier, but this was a must-win game for them, and he is pretty happy that they stuck to their plans. Adds that they have a certain goal as a bowling group. Mentions that it's about adapting to each game, in the first game he was aiming to bowl yorkers, but in the last two games, he stuck to bowling his hard length deliveries. Says that the pitch was not as quick as the Delhi one so it was easier to bowl hard lengths here. On being asked if he will carry his good form, he says that he will like to take it one game at a time.

              23:01 IST: Earlier in the day, India were off to a flier but lost the momentum at the halfway mark. South Africa dropped a couple of catches including the one of Pandya who was relatively new at the crease. He went on to play a cameo, which guided India to a total of 179. Things could have turned out differently if they had taken his catch. In reply, South Africa's batting never took off and lost by a big margin in the end. 

              22:54 IST: The way Bhuvneshwar Kumar started the proceedings, there was some extra effort already seen from India who were playing a do-or-die. His spell set the tone for the others and it was well followed by Yuzvendra Chahal and Harshal Patel who were absolutely brilliant in this crunch game. India did really well to take wickets at regular intervals and they will be really happy and elated after this performance. 

              22:57 IST: The pitch just got a bit tougher after the first innings and it needed someone from South Africa to anchor which they failed miserably. The Proteas were two down inside the Powerplay and were behind the 8-ball in this chase since then. Reeza Hendricks and Dwaine Pretorius got a start but the strike rate was not good enough. They were clearly struggling to go big. Once they departed, Miller and Klaasen were their last hope. However, they too didn't have had a good outing and their wickets were the final nail in the coffin for South Africa. 

              22:56 IST: The series is alive! That's what the Indian team must be saying after their splendid performance. Still, the five-match series stands 2-1 favoring the visitors but Rishabh Pant will be happy to get a win under his belt as a captain. 

              22:43 IST: 19.1: Harshal Patel to Tabraiz Shamsi, OUT! TAKEN! Harshal Patel finishes things off! He grabs his fourth wicket of the match! An off-cutter this time, around middle, on a length. Tabraiz Shamsi makes room and tries to smash this over long on. But the ball goes off the top of the bat and he gets more height than distance. Avesh Khan at long on takes a good catch. India win by 48 runs!


              There are always ups and downs in cricket and life

              June 21, 2022 Umesh.khangwal 1 Comments


                There are always ups and downs in cricket and life

                There are always ups and downs in cricket and life

                Bengaluru, Jun 21 (PTI) With three fifties in five Ranji Trophy matches, Mumbai captain Prithvi Shaw doesn't live up to the standards he has set in the current season but the youngster knows that cricket is also a way of life. Have to face constant ups and downs.

                Domestic cricket giants Mumbai face Madhya Pradesh in the Ranji Trophy final and Prithvi doesn't want his attention to be distracted by the thought of not getting a place in India's T20 International squad for the tour of England or going to Ireland.

                Mumbai captain Prithvi said on the eve of the final, "I have scored a few (three) half-centuries but it is definitely not enough for me and even after scoring a half-century, no one has congratulated me and you too." Looks bad (said in a funny tone)."

                He said, "Sometimes it happens but I am happy that my team is doing well. As a captain, I have to think about all the 21 players who have come here with me and not just myself.

                Prithvi said, “There are always ups and downs in cricket and life and it is never the case that you keep moving forward. So it's just a matter of time before I start hitting the balls well and play big innings again. But right now I want to make sure that my team does well and I am enjoying the team game.

                When asked whether he does not prefer to return to the national team? Prithvi said, “I am not thinking about returning to the Indian team at all right now. Winning the cup is my main objective and I am not thinking of anything other than winning it.

                Prithvi is just 22 years old and has played 33 first-class matches but when asked what message he wants to give to the 'youth' of the team, he said, "First of all I would like to say that I am proud of him. that they have reached here. I want to tell them to enjoy the game by going on the field. I want to tell the youth of the team that they have to do what they have been doing in U-25 or U-19, just the standard is more stringent here. ,

                "Results don't matter to me, but everyone's effort matters. All I have told them is to do what you have been doing for so many years.

                Prithvi and Armaan Jaffer, who performed well in Mumbai's ongoing campaign, and this season's top scorer Sarfaraz Khan have one thing in common and that is that all three have been students of the same school 'Rizvi Springfields' which is known for its strong cricket team. Known for Rizvi Springfield's team has dominated the prestigious school tournament Harris and Giles Shield in Mumbai.

                Prithvi said, “Me, Sarfaraz and Armaan went to the same school when they were nine to 10 years old. We played together and all three of us have done a good job so far for Mumbai cricket.

                Prithvi is playing in the Ranji Trophy final for the second time (first against Gujarat in 2017) while Armaan and Sarfaraz will be part of the title match for the first time.

                When Prithvi first came to the Mumbai team, Chandrakant Pandit was the coach of the team and now when he leads the 41-time champions Mumbai in the final, this legendary coach will be with the opposition team.

                The Mumbai captain said, "I think I will be able to make eye contact with Chandu sir (Coach Pandit) after five years. This was not the case in 2016 or 2017. Everyone knows that Chandu sir is a tough person and it would be nice to meet him again after a long time.

                Mumbai's coach is being handled by domestic cricket legend Amol Majumdar and Prithvi termed his guidance as special.

                He said, “Everyone knows Amol sir has played a lot of domestic cricket and scored a lot of runs. He has a lot of experience and we are very fortunate to have him with us.”


                SL vs AUS: Pathum Nisanka scored a century for the first time in ODIs

                June 20, 2022 Umesh.khangwal 0 Comments


                  SL vs AUS: Pathum Nisanka scored a century for the first time in ODIs, Sri Lanka to create history against Australia after 30 years

                  SL vs AUS: Pathum Nisanka scored a century for the first time in ODIs, Sri Lanka to create history against Australia after 30 years

                  Pathum Nisanka's scintillating century helped Sri Lanka win the third ODI of the five- match series by 6 lattices against Australia. With this he took a 2- 1 lead. Sri Lanka won the alternate match by 26 runs, while in the first match they had to face defeat by 2 lattices at the hands of Australia.

                  Like the third ODI, the fourth match of the series is to be played on 21 June 2022 at the R Premadasa Stadium in Colombo. However, they will be suitable to win the ODI series against Australia at home after 20 times, If Sri Lanka manages to win the fourth ODI. Sri Lanka last won an ODI series at home against Australia in August 1992. also he won the 3- match series 2- 1.

                  Talking about the third ODI, Australian captain Aaron Finch won the toss and decided to club. Australia scored 291 runs for 6 lattices in 50 overs. Chasing the target, Sri Lanka scored 292 runs for 4 lattices in48.3 overs and won the match. For Sri Lanka, Pathum Nisanka scored 137 runs in 147 balls with the help of 11 fours and 2 sixes. He scored a century for the first time in his ODI career.

                  Team India changed 6 captains in 8 months, coach Rahul Dravid gave this argument behind this change

                  Apart from him, Kusal Mendis retired hurt after scoring 87 runs in 85 balls with the help of 8 fours. Opener and wicketkeeper Niroshan Dickwella became the victim of Glenn Maxwell on a personal score of 25 runs. Dhananjay de Silva also scored 25 runs. Jhye Richardson took 2 wickets for 39 runs for Australia. Josh Hazlewood and Glenn Maxwell also managed to take a wicket each.

                  Earlier, Australia had a poor start. He lost the wicket of David Warner (9 runs) for 14 runs. Mitchell Marsh, who came in his place, also could not stay at the crease for a long time and returned to the pavilion on a personal score of 10 runs. At that time Australia's score was 47 runs in 10.3 overs. Aaron Finch then shared a 69-run partnership with Marnus Labuschagne for the third wicket.

                  Labuschagne departs after scoring 29 runs. When 121 runs were added to the team's account, then Finch also returned to the pavilion after scoring 62 runs. After this, wicketkeeper Alex Carey and Travis Head shared a 72-run partnership for the 5th wicket. Alex Carey was dismissed for 49 runs in the last ball of the 40th over.


                  India vs England Match Highlights 2nd Test Day 5 Updates

                  June 19, 2022 Umesh.khangwal 0 Comments


                    India vs England Match Highlights 2nd Test Day 5 Updates: Jasprit Bumrah, Mohammed Shami Script India’s Iconic 151-Run Win at Lord’s

                    IND vs ENG मैच की खास बातें, दूसरे टेस्ट के दिन 5 अपडेट

                    लंदन : नमस्ते और भारत बनाम इंग्लैंड के दूसरे टेस्ट दिन 5 के स्कोर और लॉर्ड्स ग्राउंड, लंदन के अपडेट के हमारे क्रिकेट कवरेज में आपका स्वागत है। भारत ने सोमवार को यहां दूसरे टेस्ट मैच में पांचवें दिन के रोमांचक मुकाबले में इंग्लैंड को 151 रन से हराकर क्रिकेट के मक्का लॉर्ड्स में 89 साल में अपनी तीसरी जीत दर्ज की। मोहम्मद शमी (नाबाद 56) और जसप्रीत बुमराह (नाबाद 34) के बाद इंग्लैंड को 272 रनों का चुनौतीपूर्ण लक्ष्य देने के बाद, भारत ने नौवें विकेट के लिए नाबाद 89 रन जोड़े, भारत ने मेजबान टीम को 120 रन पर आउट कर एक यादगार जीत हासिल की और 1 विकेट लिया। -0 पांच मैचों की सीरीज में बढ़त। यह भी पढ़ें- T20 विश्व कप: रोहित शर्मा-केएल राहुल के लिए विराट कोहली की जगह बैक-अप ओपनर; बीसीसीआई चयनकर्ताओं के लिए प्रश्न

                    India vs England Match Highlights 2nd Test Day 5 Updates: Jasprit Bumrah, Mohammed Shami Script India’s Iconic 151-Run Win at Lord’s

                    नवीनतम भारत बनाम इंग्लैंड लाइव स्कोर, लाइव क्रिकेट अपडेट यहां देखें। इसके अलावा, IND vs ENG 2nd Test Day 5 Live Cricket Score, India vs England Live Match, India vs England Live Score आज देखें, IND vs ENG 2nd Test Day 5 2021 Live video, Live Cricket TV, 2nd Test Day 5 2021 Live, IND vs ENG लाइव स्कोर, Sony LIV लाइव क्रिकेट मैच आज ऑनलाइन, लाइव क्रिकेट मैच स्ट्रीमिंग, Watch2nd टेस्ट दिन 5 लाइव मैच, दूसरा टेस्ट दिन 5 2021 LIVE स्ट्रीमिंग ऑनलाइन, लाइव स्कोर आज भारत बनाम इंग्लैंड मैच, IND बनाम ENG दूसरा टेस्ट दिन 5 2021 लाइव मैच स्कोर, भारत बनाम इंग्लैंड लाइव स्कोरकार्ड। आप यहां लॉर्ड्स, लंदन से भारत बनाम इंग्लैंड के बीच मैच के दूसरे टेस्ट दिन 5 का लाइव क्रिकेट ब्लॉग भी देख सकते हैं। ( लाइव स्कोरकार्ड यह भी पढ़ें-ऋषभ पंत या दिनेश कार्तिक? इरफान पठान ने टी20 विश्व कप के लिए चुनी अपनी आदर्श भारत एकादश


                    Our mission is to take IPL to every cricket fan in the world

                    June 16, 2022 Umesh.khangwal 0 Comments


                      Our mission is to take IPL to every cricket fan in tOur mission is to take IPL to every cricket fan in the world: Nita Ambanihe world: Nita Ambani

                      Our mission is to take IPL to every cricket fan in the world: Nita Ambani

                      Viacom18 Network has acquired the digital media rights of IPL for the next five years (from 2023 to 2027). A day after this big deal, Reliance Industries director Nita Ambani said that the company wants to take it to every cricket lover in the country and the world. The network aims to create world class IPL coverage. He also said that IPL represents the best in India and the tournament will reach every household in the country which is currently going through a digital revolution.

                      Reacting for the first time since the IPL media rights e-auction, Nita Ambani, Director, Reliance Industries said, "Sports entertain, inspire and bring us together." Cricket and IPL represent the best in India and sportsThat is why we are proud to further deepen our association with this wonderful sport and this wonderful league.

                      He further said, 'Our mission is to take the wonderful IPL experience to every cricket lover, whether they are in our country or any part of the world.'

                      Viacom18 on Tuesday successfully bid for Rs 20,500 crore for Package B (Digital Media) of IPL Media Rights. This is Rs 50 crore per match, which will be paid for 410 matches. Viacom18 will not only stream every IPL match online over the next 5 years (from 2023 to 2027) but will also broadcast top sports leagues from across the world, including the NBA and La Liga.

                      Globally, Viacom18 has acquired the TV as well as digital rights in 3 of the 5 international territories, including major cricketing countries. This reputed network also bought Package C with a bid of Rs 3,273 crore.

                      Viacom18 Sports is the new destination for the best sports from around the world with its TV channel Sports18 and digital platform Voot, where sports enthusiasts can watch FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022, NBA, La Liga, Ligue 1, Serie A and other top ATP and BWF eventsWith the purchase of IPL digital media rights, now Viacom18 has also entered the world of cricket broadcasting. With this deal, it has joined the leading sports platform of the country.


                      Pakistan Cricket Board in preparation for putting 'obstacle' in IPL, will talk to the rest of the board

                      June 15, 2022 Umesh.khangwal 0 Comments


                        Pakistan Cricket Board in preparation for putting 'obstacle' in IPL, will talk to the rest of the board

                        Karachi: The Pakistan Cricket Board will talk to the rest of the board on the proposal of giving two-and-a-half-month window to the IPL in the ICC's next Future Tour Program (ICC FTP) calendar as it believes that many It will have the opposite effect on the international series.

                        cricket id maker

                        BCCI secretary Jay Shah had said that the FTP cycle from 2024 to 2031 will have a window of two and a half months for the cricket id maker.

                        Shah had said, “There will be a window of two and a half months for the IPL from the next FTP cycle so that all the top international cricketers can play in it. We have discussed this with other boards and the ICC as well.

                        The PCB is of the view that the matter needs to be discussed.

                        A PCB source said, "The ICC Board will meet in July on the sidelines of the Birmingham Commonwealth cricket id maker and the issue will be discussed."

                        A PCB official said it is good to see money coming into cricket but BCCI's plan to fully book top cricket id maker every year for the IPL will have an adverse impact on international bilateral series.

                        Pakistani players have not been included in the IPL since the 2008 Mumbai terror attack.


                        What is online Cricket Betting

                        June 14, 2022 Umesh.khangwal 0 Comments

                           What is on-line Cricket Betting?

                          What is online Cricket Betting

                          Cricket dissipated is arguably among the foremost commonplace sports to play by Indian players, given the nearly unlimited dissipated markets that match all types of players—be it a beginner player, a casual cricket enthusiast or even the foremost seasoned sports dissipated fan.

                          Online Cricket dissipated vs ancient dissipated

                          Cricket is whereas not a doubt the king in Republic of India, inside the sense that it is the foremost anticipated and

                          what is online cricket dissipated

                          overwhelmingly dominant sport inside the country. Recent estimates show that a minimum of eightieth of India’s sports dissipated market is cricket-based, with cricket dissipated turnovers expected to realize USD100 billion supported but the sport has become Associate in Nursing intrinsic cultural attribute of the majority of players in urban and small-town dissipated communities inside the country, in step with Associate in Nursing ENV Media report on sports dissipated.

                          There square measure concerning 100 forty million regular punters inside the country, which can probably increase to Associate in Nursing denumerable 370 million bettors throughout major sporting events, the report noted. this can translate to the utmost quantity as USD150 billion annual turnover. Despite this, ancient sports dissipated operates underground given but state governments refuse to manage the rapidly growing business.

                          Cricket Games

                          Our assortment of cricket games options jam-packed stadiums, World Cup matches, and realistic umpires. Play against a spread of laptop opponents, or challenge your friends in a very friendly game. we've all sorts of baseball-influenced variations, together with valley, table top, and Turbo professional matches. Step outside and begin swinging your wicket!

                          Longtime sports fans and total novices can love our cricket games. Reenact your favorite match-ups, like India vs. Australia or India vs. Pakistan! you'll observe in your team's home sports stadium before coming into the international tournament. to enhance your defensive skills, attempt catching the ball from a first-person view! Or, have a seat, and play notional cricket with a deck of cards!

                          Cricket Games

                          Our assortment of cricket games choices jam-packed stadiums, tourney matches, and realistic umpires. Play against a variety of laptop computer opponents, or challenge your friends throughout a friendly game. we have got all types of baseball-influenced variations, also as depression, table top, and Turbo skilled matches. Step outside and start swinging your wicket!

                          Longtime sports fans and total novices will love our cricket games. Reenact your favorite match-ups, like India vs. Australia or India vs. Pakistan! you will be able to follow in your team's home structure before coming back into the international tournament. to spice up your defensive skills, attempt catching the ball from a first-person view! Or, have a seat, and play fanciful cricket with a deck of cards!


                          IPL Media Rights Sold For Whopping Rs 43,050 crores

                          June 13, 2022 Umesh.khangwal 0 Comments

                             IPL Media Rights Sold For Whopping Rs 43,050 crores, IPL Set To Become 2nd Richest League

                            New Delhi: If reports are to be believed, the IPL media rights for packages A and B, which includes rights for TV and Digital, have been sold for a humungous amount of Rs 43,050 crores. This means that BCCI will be earning more than 100 crores per match, which is way more than what was expected before the start of the auction.

                            ipl images hd

                            In the previous auction in 2017, Star India edged out Sony Pictures for the media rights with a bid of Rs 16,347.50 crore. With the deal, the BCCI earned 55 crores per match.

                            Reports also state that the bids for the TV and digital rights have been won by two different companies. According to sources, the bid for Package A is won by Sony Pictures, who is likely to challenge the winner of package B to get the exclusive rights for both TV and Digital.

                            Meanwhile, with a valuation of more than 100 crores per match, IPL has become the second most valued sporting event in the world, leapfrogging English Premier League (EPL) and National Basketball Association (NBA). A total of 7 companies—Zee Group, Sony Pictures, Viacom-led JV, Disney+Hotstar, Culver Max Entertainment, Times Internet, and Fun Asia participated in the e- auction.


                            Thor Love and Thunder

                            June 12, 2022 Umesh.khangwal 0 Comments

                              Thor Love and Thunder: Meet the Gods and Intergalactic Superheroes of Chris Hemsworth's MCU Film

                              thor love and thunder

                               Thor: Love and Thunder will be seen blazing to the silver screen in July. Audiences will see the heroic Thor for the first time since Avengers: Endgame, which was three years ago, and an astounding five years ago since his last individual superhero franchise movie, Thor Ragnarok. The trailer was released a few weeks ago and the Chris Hemsworth starrer brings back a few MCU faces and introduces a few new faces as well.

                              As viewers gear up for this heavenly superhero bonanza that will storm into theatres on July 7 in India, a day prior to its global release, here's a look at the starry cast of Thor: Love and Thunder and the characters they will be seen playing.

                              As viewers gear up for this heavenly superhero bonanza that will storm into theatres on July 7 in India, a day prior to its global release, here's a look at the starry cast of Thor: Love and Thunder and the characters they will be seen playing.

                              Chris Hemsworth as Thor Odinson

                              Reprising his role as the Asgardian God of Thunder, Chris Hemsworth is back to take Thor's MCU storyline forward with Thor: Love and Thunder. Thor Odinson, son of Norse God – Odin and Queen of Asgard – Frigga, and brother of Loki aka the God of Mischief and Hela – Goddess of Death, was one of the original six Avengers, who came together to protect Earth. Going by his self-proclaimed title The Strongest Avenger, the superhero God is devastatingly powerful but his storyline in the MCU through three Thor films and four Avengers movies has been rather painful!

                              Having witnessed the death of every single one of his family members throughout his journey as a superhero, he ultimately falls into depression and gains a huge beer belly when he is unable to defeat mega-monster villain, Thanos. Now, Thor will be seen training and shedding all those extra kilos to fight yet another villain – claimed to be even bigger and badder than Thanos, alongside his former love interest and fellow Earthling, Jane Foster.

                              Natalie Portman as Jane Foster / Mighty Thor

                              Jane Foster, played by Academy Award winner Natalie Portman, is a genius scientist and astrophysicist who was first seen when Thor is exiled from Asgard to Earth. She is also the love interest of superhero God, Thor. Previously, in the second installment of the Thor movies, Thor: The Dark World, Jane, accidentally and unbeknownst to her, absorbed the aether (the manifestation of the reality stone – one of the five most powerful stones in the universe) into her body but this was quickly removed with the help of both brothers, Thor and Loki.

                              Today, Jane is currently broken up with Thor and will be seen wielding Mjolnir – Thor's weapon that can only be lifted by those who are 'worthy', in Thor: Love and Thunder. Apart from Thor, only the righteous Captain America has been able to lift this weapon. Will she be next in line for the title of Thor? Or will she stand by him as 'The Mighty Thor' – perhaps a step-up from simply 'Thor'?

                              Christian Bale as Gorr the God Butcher

                              Renowned for playing Christopher Nolan's Batman aka The Dark Knight – the most loved Batman to date, Christian Bale will now be seen in the MCU, playing one of the most vengeful villains, of all time – Gorr the God Butcher. As the name suggests, the multiple award winner, in his role as Gorr will literally be seen butchering and killing Gods.

                              A mortal alien who grew to hate Gods after his mother, wife and children were killed, Gorr swears vengeance again on all Gods for not answering his prayers. This provides the perfect set-up for Gorr and Thor to cross paths in Thor: Love and Thunder. The character is popular for his menacing, unforgiving ways and speculation is rife that he could just be the most powerful villain of the MCU to date.

                              Tessa Thompson as Valkyrie

                              One of the few survivors of Hela’s attack on Thor: Ragnarok and Thanos' attack in Avengers: Infinity War, Valkyrie led the remaining Asgardians to safety on Earth and later fought Thanos along with the rest of the Avengers to reverse the effect of his snap to be proclaimed by Thor as the Ruler of New Asgard on Earth.

                              Taika Waititi as Korg

                              Voiced by director Taika Waititi of Thor Ragnarok and Jojo Rabbit fame, who will also be seen directing Thor: Love and Thunder, Korg is a Kronan warrior stuck on planet Sakaar before meeting Thor and becoming part of the Revengers – a team assembled and led by Thor to defeat his sister, Hela – Goddess of Death on Asgard. Korg, along with Valkyrie, helped Thor, Loki and Hulk escape from Sakaar and has been by Thor's side since then, and through the events of Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame. Having been a part of the battle on Earth to defeat the alternate version of Thanos and reverse his snap, he has since been in New Asgard under the rule of the new King, Valkyrie.

                              The Mega Battalion of Guardians

                              The entire team of intergalactic goofs – the Guardians of the Galaxy, led by Star-Lord (Chris Pratt) and comprising members, Nebula (Karen Gillan), Drax (Dave Bautista), Rocket Raccoon (voiced by Bradley Cooper), Groot (voiced by Vin Diesel) and Mantis (Pom Klementieff) will be seen in Thor: Love and Thunder. The Guardians, who joined forces to defend the galaxy from planetary threats, were earlier seen teaming up with the Avengers to defeat Thanos by collecting the infinity stones. This is when they lose another member of the team, the love interest of Star-Lord and daughter of the evil Thanos, Gamora, who loses her life when Thanos sacrifices her for the Soul Stone.

                              They reassembled during the Battle of Earth to defeat the alternate Thanos from 2014 and reverse snap. After this, the Guardians departed Earth with Thor joining the group, returning to their adventures in the cosmos while searching for the alternate 2014 Gamora. The role they will play in Thor: Love and Thunder is yet to be seen but viewers are sure to be thoroughly entertained, what with their newfound chemistry with Thor!